Six years ago
/"Everyone is asleep, Axel,/" Allison whispered. My current favorite flavor splayed a tiny hand on my chest and started kneading a pec. I looked around at the others to make sure she just wasn’t being eager.
Tony sat in the front seat. His head lolled against the window. Adam and Josh were in the second row of the van, lightly snoring. I gripped the edge of the seat and sneaked a peek at Mason. Curled up in the fetal position, dude was off to the races with an open mouth and REM-twitching eyes. Allison gave me a triumphant smile.
/"See, I told you./"
/"What about the driver?/"
She shifted closer so that her thigh rested on top of mine and her thin leg dangled between barley missing my sweet spot. /"He’s busy listening to his jams. He won’t hear anything./"
Our driver, an older man with frizzled, graying hair and a bulbous nose, was currently be-bopping to whatever genre old people liked.