Six years ago
A knock on the door stopped him mid-suck.
/"Fuck. I don’t believe this,/" Axel said as he breathed against my breast.
Hovering above me, he cocked his head and listened. I squirmed beneath him, eager for more.
He chuckled. Lowering his head, he latched onto my nipple. I arched my back. The moan which came from the back of my throat nearly drowned out the flurry of harder, more insistent knocks.
/"Axel, we know you’re in there,/" said a deep muffled voice from the hallway.
/"Maybe we should just go,/" said a Southern one.
/"I wanna see if he’s ‘kay and S-I’m not gonna go until I do./"
That was a drunken female.
His girl, I bet.
An older voice, one full of righteous indignation, floated to us, /"You’d better, or I’ll call the hotel management./"
/"Shit. Talk about timing./" Without a word, Axel lifted from me, shrugged on a T-shirt and left, closing the door behind him.