


Six years ago

The examining room was cold and impersonal with its scuffed grey paint, hard stools, and lack of decoration. Only the doctor’s diploma hung crookedly on a bare wall. Above that was a picture of the last president. The blinds in the window had turned a tobacco yellow, and they swung back and forth with the force of the air-conditioner. Puffs of dust particles few into the air with every pass of the oscillating ceiling fan.

I switched the position of my legs for the umpteenth time. I’d been waiting for only ten minutes, but the wooden chair was uncomfortable despite my natural cushion. At least I had Vegas’s text to distract me from the news I was waiting for.

Vegas: U lmk ASAP

Me: np

Vegas: ?

I had bought Vegas a smart phone since she didn’t have one. The Witch had forbidden it. Vee had quickly caught on to the text shortcuts but she didn’t know all of them yet, hence her question.