Six years ago
/"Just relax,/" he rubbed my forearm, trying to warm it up.
Easy for him to say /"relax/" when his teeth weren’t chattering from nervousness. He didn’t have a thin hospital gown on his legs in stirrups, getting ready to do away with a part of himself. . .
Part of me, part of Axel.
Art, or the IV-Man as I called him, wasn’t a bad vision to fall asleep to. He had dark hair, china-blue eyes, and a defined physique under his green scrubs.
But men were off my radar, including handsome IV nurses.
/"How are you doing?/"
/"I’m fine./"
Fine enough to keep going.
I tried not to think of Randy and her huge bump. Our meeting had lasted the rest of the morning, and way into the early afternoon. We had gone mostly off topic with her hilarious tales of motherhood. The antics her little boy got up to were precious.
Didn’t sway my decision.
No, not at all...