


Six years ago

Axel’s father looked up from his magazine at my entry. He laid down his copy of Psychology Today and rose to meet me. Given the circumstances, I was unsure of the protocol on how to greet him, so I stood silent… waiting.

He grabbed me in a hug. Not one of those one armed ones, but a true fatherly one with arms around me and a soft pat on the back. Brief and to the point, the action made me feel even.

What stranger would hug a person only to tell them off?

/"Shondra Williams,/" he said, releasing me from his grip, but not from the sheer power which exuded from his person. It oozed from every pore, scenting the surrounding air with wealth and privilege.

I didn’t let my awe control the situation. Instead, I studied him as he held me at arm’s length. At one time he must have mirrored his son in size. Now his arms hung close to his body while Axel’s, due to muscle mass, stood away from him.