Six years ago
I hurt.
All over.
Inside and out.
The pain floated and drifted and squeezed when I moved.
When I thought.
When I cried.
Which was a lot.
Buckets and lakes. Rivers and oceans.
I wanted my tears to wash me clean.
It would take years before that happened.
Paul was there, off and on. A big hazy shadow and a smooth, comforting voice.
William had been there as well. Just the once.
I’d come up from a drug induced fog and his pale face and mop of brown hair hovered over me like some dark spirit. His face inches from mine.
My throat burned with the terror of my screams. They peeled like midnight alarms into the light colored bedroom, nearly drowning out his /"I didn’t knows/" and /"I’m sorrys/".
Paul came with two burly guards dressed in white.