

I don't know how long we have been laying beside the lake. Aurora is laid with her head against her paws with Ryder resting his head on top of hers.

/"Ryder wants to meet you,/" Rhydian commented through our link.

He wants to meet me? Why would he want to meet me?

'We're his mate. He's met me, now he wants to meet you.' Aurora whined.

'Suppose so...' I groaned as Aurora moved her head slightly making Ryder grunt.

/"Make sure he stays where he is,/" I warned Rhydian through our link.

Ryder sat on the ground, keeping his eyes glued on us. Aurora crouched low and we began the shift. The sounds of bones cracking and snapping filled the air. My bones snapped back into my human form as the fur disappeared.

I kneeled in front of him, waiting for him to come to me. He stood up and wandered over to cautiously. He stopped maybe a foot in front of me, sat down and just watched me.