

I wondered around the darkness, trying to find my way. Everywhere I look it's just darkness and more darkness. I tried calling out for Rhydian but he either wasn't here or he couldn't hear me. No one could hear me. I was alone, I don't want to be alone again.

/"I love you./"

I lifted my head up, trying to focus my ears on the sound. It was too muffled, I can't hear it. I started walking forward, it's like a long dark hallway with no doors or windows. I'm trapped.

/"I love you./"

There's the voice again. It's a little clearer this time. But I'm still walking down this neverending hallway with no end in sight.

/"I love you./"

A small flicker of light, brightened up this nothingness. A little beacon of hope in my darkness. I started running towards the light. I need to hear the voice again, I'm so close. I need to get out of here.

/"I love you./"