

/"Caleb, open your eyes./"

I fluttered open my eyes and glanced around me. I was back in the white room. /"Why am I here again?/" I asked, looking around trying to find her. /"Because, my boy, you are lost./" She replied. I frowned and stood up. /"What do you mean, lost?/" I quizzed. I stared at the spot she came to last time but nothing was there. /"You need to wake up./" She replied again. I turned around and she was stood beside a tree, I don't remember seeing a tree in here before...

/"What is this place?/" I questioned. She stepped closer towards me and my breath caught in my throat. She was beautiful. /"This place exists because I need you to hear me./" She replied. I shook my head and sighed. /"You aren't making sense,/" I mumbled. /"You need to wake up./" She smiled at me. I tried going towards her but like before she seemed to move further away.