

/"Your parents are so welcoming./" He muttered as we were sat on the sofa in my living room.

/"They like you,/" I whispered as I watched my parents quarrel about the correct layout for the dinner table.

/"Joe, he's an Alpha. He should be at the head of the table./" Mom hissed.

/"Let's ask him./" Dad groaned, /"Alpha Leon... where would you like to sit?/" He smirked.

/"Anywhere is fine. Next to Ayla?/" He raised his brow as he answered. Mom's eyes twinkled, and she nodded.

The front door opened, and Owen walked in awkwardly with Wade behind him. I smiled at them both. /"Mom, dad... This is Wade... My mate,/" Owen proclaimed.

Mom's face lit up as she made her way over to them. /"I'm so glad you found your mate./" She beamed, pulling him in for a hug. She stepped back and grinned at Wade before pulling him into her. Dad embraced Owen patting his back.

/"Welcome to the family, Wade./" I chuckled.