

Lila's POV.

/"What the fuck is this?/" Beta Ethan roared.

I skidded to a stop and glanced over at him. Fucking Ethan... He usually stays away when he knows we're here; Alpha's orders. I love how he puts mum before his brother.

/"An icerink... Courtesy of Elias./" I smirked.

He looked like he was about to pop a vein. He was fuming. His hands were in fists at his side, his nostrils were flaring, and he was scowling at me. I lifted my brow at him before giggling. I couldn't stop the laughter from erupting from my mouth.

/"Emma! Get your ass off that ice./" He commanded. Emma grimaced but quickly obliged. /"I'm going to speak to the Alpha... By the time I get back, I want every single one of you out of the lake./" He snarled.

/"But... We aren't in the lake./" I frowned.