

Lila's POV

/"Come with me,/" Alarix instructed, standing up.

I stood up and followed him to the balcony door. He opened it, motioning for me to accompany him out onto the balcony. I moved forward, breathing in as soon I was outside. I sighed in content as all the different scents of nature overflowed my senses.

I'm so glad the king didn't live in the middle of a city. I don't know how I would have coped without living in the countryside, nor would Lola.

He was gazing out into the forest. He was nervous; his whole body was stiff. I could see his back muscles tensing as he drew in deep breaths, then let them out shakily.

/"When I spoke to the king yesterday, he told me something that vampires do... especially royal vampires./" He babbled. /"I don't know if it's something wolves do or you would like to do./"