

Lila's POV - Seven Years Later.

I spun around with a gasp as the kitchen door swung open and hit the wall with a bang. Corbon stormed into the kitchen with a frown.

/"I'm not going back to that school,/" he grunted, throwing his bag onto the floor.

I took two plastic tubs of sandwiches from the fridge and put one in front of him. Alora marched into the kitchen with the same expression Coby had.

I put the other tub in front of Alora and sat down in front of them. /"Okay, what happened at school?/" I asked.

Coby finished what he had in his mouth before he groaned and shook his head. /"Mrs Greenburg was talking about hybrids today in history class./" He groaned.

/"What did she say?/" I questioned, my eyes went wide and I sat upright.

/"Hybrids are unnatural and dangerous,/" Alora whispered.

/"She wanted us to be prepared and ready for when our king and queen have their baby,/" Corbon added with a sigh.