


/"It’s time to wake up, Alora./" I could hear the smile in his voice as he pulled the blindfold away from my eyes.

I groaned and screwed my eyes shut from the bright light blinding me. I blinked a few times until I was adjusted to the light. I pulled against the restraints, holding me down against the metal pathetic excuse of a bed, attempting to move away from him.

Just once I’d like to face someone other than him, I’m always blindfolded, unless he’s here. I never see anyone, but him.

/"Oh my darling, I have missed you./" He grinned, brushing his thumb against my cheek.

/"What have you done?/" I choked, jerking away from him.

My wolf was gone; I couldn’t sense her. All I felt was empty, I didn’t feel whole at all. Usually, I can sense her, it isn’t strong, but she’s there. Now there is nothing, she’s gone. Without her, I’m completely alone.