


/"You can sit on the bed, you know./" Brody hummed, turning the page of his book.

I knew his voice and his name, but I’d never seen him before. As much as Luca repulses me, I’m not blind, I can see how good looking he is. Brody, though, is something else; he’s fucking hot!

The longer I stared at him, some strange feelings were stirring inside of me. It feels like my body is buzzing with the need to feel him against me, to see how his body would feel against mine... It was confusing, to say the least.

I shook my head to rid the thoughts and took a deep breath.

/"You’re the one who looked after me, right?/" I questioned as I tiptoed over to the bed.

I climbed on the bed and leaned back against the wall. He turned his book upside down and set it down on his outstretched leg. He took a deep breath, before letting it out slowly.

/"Yeah... I was./" He murmured.