


Once we parted ways, with Callie sitting on my back, we started in the direction Brody told us to go. Brody put some clothes in Callie’s backpack for when I needed to shift. I gave all control to Allie, she’s stealthier than me and faster.

We crept down the hallways. Allie kept her guard up, listening for any sounds, but it was eerily silent, like no one was around. I know it’s only early, but I expected some to be around.

I could see the double doors we had to go through just ahead of us. I sighed out in relief when I noticed a sign on the door saying ‘push’. I won’t have to let Callie down now to pull open the door, she can stay safely on my back.

As we got nearer the door, I noticed two figures behind the door. Allie slowed down, a small growl slipped out when we stopped completely beside the door. A small whimper came from Callie, and she clung tighter onto my fur.