



I sighed out in relief as I heard my dad’s voice. My eyes filled with tears as I heard him shout of Mum.

/"It’s me./"

I took a deep breath, before letting it out slowly.

/"Where are you sweetheart? Are you safe?/"

/"I’m on a jet. I’m coming home, Dad. There’s too much to explain over the phone, but I’m safe now./"

/"Alora, my baby./" Mum cried down the phone.

I could just picture my dad sat at his desk with Mum standing beside him, leaning on Dad’s desk.

/"I have missed you both so much./" I whimpered.

Tears were now streaming down my face. I held my hand over my mouth to muffle my sobs, trying not to wake Callie. I gripped the phone receiver and sucked in short breaths, trying to calm myself.

/"We never stopped searching for you, Lori./" Dad sighed, /"We missed you so much./"