


We had been driving for five minutes. I was enjoying watching the fields pass us by. There is nothing more I love than the countryside. The smell of the forest, even seeing the forest, is home to me.

Callie rested her head on my shoulder, /"your mummy is pretty./" She whispered.

I glanced at my mum in the front of the car. She had a subtle smile on her face while she looked back at us.

/"Yeah, she is, Callie./" I agreed with a smile.

I peered over at Brody. He was gazing out of the window, his leg was bouncing up and down, and he kept flexing his fingers on his knee.

/"Are you okay?/" I whispered.

It didn’t matter how quiet I was, my mum would certainly hear.

/"Just a little nervous is all. I’ll be okay./" Brody reassured, offering me a small smile.

/"I have four little boys waiting at home, excited to meet you, Callie./" Mum chirped.