


Callie was over the moon with her bedroom, the smile never left her face. When I showed Brody his room, she didn’t want to come, she wanted to stay in her bedroom and play with her new toys. I didn’t blame her though, she had plenty to choose from, my parents definitely spoiled her.

I left Brody to settle in his room, get a shower or whatever he wanted to do. I showed him which room mine was, and that if he or Callie needed me, they could come to my room.

I stood in the middle of my room and dragged in a shaky breath. The last time I was in here, I was with Olivia when we were getting ready for my birthday party. I was starting to feel overwhelmed and anxious. Being alone in the room gave me a weird feeling. I need to not think about before and anything that happened. If I think too much, I may just be heading for a mental breakdown.