


/"So, we’re going to live in the palace forever?/" Callie asked.

Brody glanced at me with his brow raised. We haven’t discussed what’s going to happen. I still want to be part of the royal guard, but now I have someone else to think about.

What does Brody want to do with his life? Would he be happy staying in the palace? There are all these little things we’re going to have to deal with.

Until the threat to my life, well all our lives are dealt with, the best place for us is the palace. But after that, I need to think about Brody and Callie, not just myself.

/"I don’t know about the future, but yes, for now, we’re staying at the palace./" I answered. /"Is that okay with you both?/"

/"I like the palace. I like my bedroom. I like your family. I want to stay./" Callie answered.

I smiled at her and nodded. /"I’m glad you like it here./"