

Leon's POV

I stood outside of the lockup where the rogue was being held. I tried reining my anger in a little... I wanted to question him, not just go straight in there and tear his head off.

I left Ayla with my parents and Lila. My parents were so welcoming to Ayla; I knew they would be. Ayla was nervous that they wouldn't accept her, but her worries were put to bed when my mum gave her a heartwarming smile.

I took a deep breath. I needed answers that I could give the pack before I can go back to my family.

As I pulled open the door, Cory appeared. He had a sheepish look on his face. I raised my brow at him. /"He's not talking.../" He mumbled.

I wrapped my arm around his neck and pulled him into me. /"I'm so sorry I wasn't here,/" I whispered. The guilt of being away when the pack needed me the most is eating away at me.1