

Lila's POV


I groaned out loud, gritting my teeth together. Out of everyone, why did it have to be him?

I peeped down, making sure the hoodie was covering me the best it could. Butterflies exploded in my stomach as I realised he gave me his hoodie... I know I probably only got it because I was naked in front of him, but the simple gesture warmed my heart.

From what I could see of him... He looked taller than me, so his hoodie should have covered me nicely... If I wasn't curled in an inconvenient position.

I had to fight against every impulse not to lift the hoodie to my face. I could smell his scent all over me and the hoodie... The hoodie is my new favourite thing.

/"Go get my mum, Damon./" I sighed.

/"Why? I can help you./" He chortled as I heard him moving forward. I snarled in warning, twisting my head to stare at him.