

Lila's POV.

/"Lila?/" My mum's voice rang out in my head, bringing me around.

A wet snout nudged my arm. I flickered my eyes open and came face to face with my mum's wolf. I smiled weakly, pulling myself up. I rubbed my eyes before looking around.

/"Are you ok?/" She asked through the link. I nodded, sighing.

I'm not sure exactly what happened, but what I do know... He didn't want to reject me. If he did, he would have done it no matter what. If he meant what he said, I'd be dead right now. There's no way I could have fought them off with me feeling like I did.

/"You're going to need to shift, baby. There's a lot of vampires here./" She mentioned.

/"Have you seen Alarix?/" I asked nervously.

She shook her head. I sucked in a breath before I started taking my clothes off to shift. I shifted then shook my fur out. It felt good to be in my wolf form.