

Levi's POV

/"Is his offer paramount to your survival?/" Dad asked, stepping towards Lila.

She exhaled and shrugged. /"Alarix is talking to him now./" She explained.

/"What did he offer?/" I queried, leaning my chin on Elias's shoulder.

/"Queen Lila has a nice sound to it, don't you think?/" She lifted her brow and hooked her finger on her chin.

/"He offered you the throne after implying you could take another mate?/" I snorted.

King or not, his morals are problematic. Bonds are sacred. It doesn't matter who is bonded together; all bonds are sacred.

My bond with Elias is just as strong as if I was bonded with a wolf. Goddess forbid if he ever died, I would never take another mate... I couldn't. There is no way in hell Lila would.

She shook her head, holding her hands in front of her. /"That was all Natalia's solution. The King pointed out./" She sighed.