

Lila's POV

/"What? How did you know?/" I choked.

′Our scent, remember. Our scent has mingled with Alarix's.′ Lola chimed in.

Dad rolled his eyes, chuckling. /"Your scents are mixed. That's what happens./" He answered. /"We knew it was only a matter of time./"

I cringed. I didn't want my dad knowing I'd had sex... that's just embarrassing. I knew he had to know, especially if we wanted answers. But it's still not something I want to be discussing with my parents.

/"That isn't what we were going to tell you, not really./" I shook my head. This conversation is awkward as fuck. /"It's what happened after.../" I muttered.

Dad raised his brow and glanced between Alarix and me. /"You know you can tell us anything, sweetie./" Mum expressed, smiling at us.

/"We had marked each other again... as soon as I looked into his eyes, I saw all of his memories,/" I muttered. /"I saw his past. I saw everything./" I explained.