

Lila's POV

I was floored when I heard the prophecy and completely and utterly devasted for Levi and Elias. I can't begin to imagine what must be going through their heads. Finding out you weren't to be must be heartbreaking.

I know it won't matter to them, though... they're mates regardless.

/"Lila... do you think they will be ok? Elias and Levi?/" Alarix asked, staring out into the forest. I could hear the worry in his voice. Warmth filled my body. I loved that he thought so much of them.

/"They're going to be just fine./" I chirped. /"I have never seen two people more in love./" I chuckled, staring up at the clouds.

I could feel his eyes on me, so I peered over at him. He was leaning against the patio fence; amusement danced in his eyes as he stared at me. /"Not even us?/" He feigned hurt, holding his hand over his chest.