

Elias' POV.

/"What the fuck is your problem?/" I snapped. /"Why the fuck can't you just leave me alone?/"

Both Levi and Lila were still struggling to breathe. I had no idea what she was doing to them. I know magic is involved; I can feel it flowing from them. I tried counter attacking her magic, but she was too strong.

/"It's not them you want; it's me!/" I yelled. /"Let them go. Stop whatever you are doing and take me instead!/"

/"E... No.../" Levi choked.

She waved her hand, and Lila and Levi both heaved in breaths as they filled their lungs with as much air as they could gather. I turned to Levi and breathed out in relief.

/"Times a wasting, my boy... Let's go, Son./" Lilith quipped.

I took a deep breath and moved closer to Levi. I placed my hands on his neck, resting my forehead on his. I sighed, closing my eyes before opening them again. He whimpered, gripping hold of my shirt as he forced himself closer to me.