/"Imara, would you mind answering the door for me? I’m afraid Shaw might pull another card if I leave./" Thorin tapped his foot while he and Shaw played cards at the kitchen table. /"It’s not possible that you beat me every hand, you damn cheat./"
/"Who in the world could that be this time of night?/" With her hands behind her back, Imara pulled off her apron as she passed through the foyer. /"Mighty late for someone to come calling, don’t you think?/"
Thorin chuckled to himself as he drew another card and yelled out to Imara. He couldn’t give her many blessings, but he hoped this would make up for everything. /"Maybe your wolf friend learned how to knock, Sweet Girl. He’s got awful good manners, at least./"
After she straightened her dress and gave her hair a shake, she pulled open the door and gasped. /"Why, hello, Ben. What are you doing here?/"