

With his eyes narrowed, Ben rubbed at the scar on his chest and shook his head. /"Remember? What are you talking about?/" His hand wrapped around Thorin’s arm and pulled him closer. /"Do you know something about me?/"

Thorin glanced back to the door to make sure Imara was gone. He wasn’t sure if the memory loss was a protective measure by their minds or part of the spell, but being reunited was clearly a sign that something was coming. /"How far back can you remember, Ben?/"

A fiery weakness radiated through his arms, and he could barely feel his fingers by the time his hand made it to his mouth to wipe away the dryness from his lips. /"How do you know about that? Did Jasper tell you?/"

Before Thorin could answer, Aster appeared on the sidewalk. /"Mr. Parker, Jasper Mason on the phone for you./"