

Unexpected Situations-02

The wolf tilted its head, spotting the injured girl behind them. He immediately shifted into a young man and walked a bit closer.

/"Who are you and what are you doing on our lands, also why is that human girl just laying there like a corpse?/" he growled out.

/"Look, we don't want any trouble. We were driving and a truck slammed into us, sending us off the road and into this forest. We're just trying to get back to civilization so our friend here can get some medical help./" Alana answered.

/"And what is an angel, a vampire, a fae, a mermaid and whatever that boy is, doing with a human girl and in your true forms nonetheless? So obviously, she knows about you,/" he said.

/"It's a long story but she's our friend and she's going to die if we don't get her to a hospital./" Merlin reasoned.