


Catalaya opened her eyes feeling like she just woke up from a hundred year nap. She finds herself in a tent on a cot of some sort in her t-shirt and underwear. For some odd reason she felt hot and bothered and lust consumed her entire body, it didn't help that Dre was next to her in only his boxers with his perfectly sculpted body on display.

She felt her mouth go dry as she raked her eyes over him, she couldn't help but to lick her lips. She felt butterflies in her stomach as she stared at the magnificent specimen laying beside her.

Andreas had been awake for quite some time now trying to control himself, he could smell her arousal and it wasn't helping his situation one bit, it was like all the pent up sexual tension between him and Cat was hitting them full force. He peeked up to see her staring at him lust shining brightly in her eyes.

/"Like what you see?/" He smirks without opening his eyes