


At the loss of her weapons Legacy quickly withdraws before Gabriel could swing again.

/"Did you really think a sword blessed by God could be stopped by a mere blade/" gabriel asks

/"Fair point/" Legacy responds summoning her scythe

/"That will not help you either demon I will cut you down here and now to rid the world of the abominations lucifer has brought forth/"

/"The only abomination here is you/" Legacy shouts swinging her sword at him

/"Don't think I can't see your true form gabriel/"

/"I am an angel what other form should I have than this/" gabriel roars releasing his wings as he tries to find a weakness in Legacy's defense that he could exploit

/"My demonic eyes see through all deceit, did you think you could do all these things and there would be no consequences. I know you have fallen and no matter how much you use luna's magi to try and cover it you cannot deceive me/" Legacy tells him