


/"Catalaya had unknowingly gotten rid of your little spell a long time ago/" she finishes with a devilish smirk

/"Impossible/" Aphrodite shouts

/" Oh is it/" Legacy teased

/"A simple mate bond cannot supercede my spell, not when i have that moon bitch's power at my disposal/"

/"You may have luna's powers at your disposal but what Andreas and cat have is not a mere matebond they are soulbounded/"

/"Impossible, there hasn't been a soulbond since Luna gave supernatural creatures human skin. How can a mere human be able to soulbind with a dragon/"

/"A mere human might not be able to but the daughter of lucifer sure as hell can/"

/"No! I won't accept this/" Aphrodite screams and lunged at Legacy to attack her

The two females threw spell at spell at each other slowly cracking at each other's barrier. With each spell casted monstrous damage was cause to the once majestic fortress.