

The Painting


/"SIS!/" Brett’s face lit up when he saw me approaching the dining room. They already started the dinner without me because it took me some time to groom myself.

/"Brother./" I smiled brightly at him like nothing happened last week.

Brett stood and pulled me into a bear hug. /"I missed you, Are./"

I returned the hug and whispered, /"I missed you, too, but you’re crushing me./"

/"I’m just glad you’re here,/" he whispered back.

/"Me too./" I pulled away and hugged Mom and Dad. /"So, you all started without me, huh?/"

/"Sorry, kiddo. I thought you’re not coming. Your mom wrapped some food for you and thought Brett could send it to your apartment./" Dad sat back.

/"I’m happy to see you, honey./" Mom smiled. I couldn’t sense any tension in the room, which was a good sign. I didn’t want to ruin this dinner with my life full of drama.

/"Thanks, mom!/"