

Good News-02

/"Okay. This is getting weird,/" Anna announced with amusement on her face. /"Dave, Suzanne, and Brett thank you for coming over. And well, Skip and Are, too./"

Her husband snaked his arm around her waist and said, /"Let’s head to the dining./"

My parents followed, and I felt a hand on my lower back. /"Alright?/"

I let out a deep sigh. /"Never been better. I’ve never been able to breathe for about seven years until tonight. How about you? I’ve never been able to ask you this, but how are you feeling?/"

His lips curved up in a smile, and it took my breath away. /"Perfect./"

/"You’re not in the hotel room, so you two behave like adults,/" Brett cut in unabashedly.

/"Jealous, aren’t we, mate? Why don’t you go and talk to Alys,/" Skip scoffed.

My brows met together as I asked my brother, /"What did I miss?/" Then I snapped my gaze to my ever gorgeous man. /"What do you mean?/"