

The Wanker


SHOCK, Westley rooted in her spot wearing a horror look on her face, and those blue eyes were enormous.

I shifted my gaze to where her eyes pinned at—a bloke with a well-tailored gray suit and slick back dark hair. They were wearing the same look on their faces.

Don’t tell me this is the wanker ex of hers?

His look seemingly fancy to be with Westley, but she could have better men at her disposal than this wanker. I was a little bit taller than him, but he must have spent a lot of his hours in the gym, lifting a weight based on his biceps.

He repeatedly blinked his dark eyes as if he couldn’t believe what he saw right in front of him. Then he stepped forward.

A lot of scenarios popped into my mind that I couldn’t even begin to imagine, but one thing that scared the living shit out of me that he could possibly be one of her clients.

My blood turned to ice. God, hell, no!
