

Still, The Rule-breaker


I HAD BEEN sitting with the advertising agency representative for nearly an hour, and I wanted to bolt out from the room if I only had the power to do that. I knew how it worked. I just didn’t know how the bloody fuck took it so long.

I looked down at the bunch of flyers, samples, and templates on the table. She showed me a short campaign that would work for the gallery. Still, she was not done talking.

I admitted she was pretty good at sales talk, but I wanted a good outcome. Her company had a remarkable reputation, that was why I chose them when Skip listed down some names.

/"We can talk more about this over a coffee if you haven’t made your decision yet./" Bloody fuck! Is she this dumb?

/"I think I already have a few ideas. I’ll keep in touch via email, Laila./" I rose from my chair and extended my hand. /"Thanks so much for your time./"