

Father’s Love-02

/"Forgive me, Abby, but that’s your husband we’re talking about. He should find out from me than he would hear it from other people. No matter how we tried to hide that incident, it’ll come out sooner or later,/" Dad explains.

/"Why can’t you just wait until I’m ready to tell him? I’m planning on telling him, Dad, because I want him to accept my past. I’m making progress and start trusting him. I love him, Dad./" I just admit my feelings. Great.

/"Abby, I told him when you’re ready. He loves you too, Abby. Before he met you, this man has only one thing he worried about—it’s his work. He buried himself with his work, and now he’s distracted and devastated, and if he doesn’t care about you, I don’t know how to call it. He’s affected by what happened yesterday. You two have to talk, Abbygail. You should call him./" I sit in my bed.