


/"Parker is not my own…/" Dad trails off.

My eyes widen. My jaw drops and just stare at my father like I don’t comprehend what he’s saying. Mom sobs beside me and feels her hand squeezing me. I look at a Mom who’s staring at me then nod to confirm. I close my mouth and swallow down my now dried throat.

I chuckle, /"What sick joke is this, Dad? Park is my brother? Look at us./" I point to my face and to Parker who is sitting across me. /"We look like twins, only Park is two and a half years older than me./"

/"We’re not brothers, bro. We’re cousins,/" Parker says with a huskier voice. He sounds serious and affected by this whole situation.

/"This is just a joke, right, Dad?/" I look at Dad and wait for him to nod, but to my dismay, he shakes his head.

I shake my head, too, and chuckle sarcastically. /"What else secrets are you hiding from this you-called family, Dad?/"