

Wrong Safe Word


THE MINUTE I stepped into the restaurant where Mama and I agreed to spend our lunch together, I spotted Lee and Taylor in suits at the corner table. They were quickly on their feet and marched toward my direction.

I threw them a glare before I stepped closer to where Mama and Meadow had been sitting. Lee and Taylor met me halfway.

/"Mr. Kent—/" I cut off Lee. He was tall, had pure muscles, and was always on full alert. He may be protecting my mother, but it didn’t change the fact that they took my mother here without telling me about their plan. I got it, it was Mama’s order, and that pissed me off a little further. They knew every detail about her safety, yet they didn’t inform me before considering flying over here.

/"What a load of cobblers. And it’s Wood, dumbass./"

/"Forrest, leave them alone. We already discussed this last night./" Mama stood up from her seat.