

Shiloh pov:

I never imagined my life will take such a huge turn, never in my wildest dreams have I ever visualize my life turning out this way.

I have always been a good daughter, and the best younger sister anyone could ask of, never done any wrong except for the time I sneak out with my best friend Emma (Emmalynn) for a party but that is beside the point.

My plans were to have good grades, become a fashion designer like my mum and sister, have a handsome guy just like a fairy tale story, live a happy life with him and our kids running around, and having a happy ever after.

Okay back to the point my dreams was to have a happy life and if you must know my sister Sylvia and mum are my role models for life.

I always look up to Sylvia, she runs my mums designer label married to Garrett Seth who runs my dad company and his company with a lovely adorable son Edward, her life isn't perfect but great and she living my fairytale.

But I never had a plan of getting pregnant at 20 years old while still in college or ever thought of losing everything I cherish just in one day.

Your query right now would he how did all this happen to a beautiful girl with so many dreams, I will let you know and I hope you understand mistakes often happen.

I had a beautiful life being the youngest daughter of the Danta family one of the richest billionaire tycoons and dating the only son of the Cristian family among one of the richest multi-billionaire tycoons.

We were high school sweetheart always seen together, Chance is my love and will always be my love, we were inseparable and you can guess that one of the reasons I am where I am now, pregnant with his child, I mean my life was a fairytale every girl will succumb to be like me, Shiloh Malia Sante the unknown daughter of the Danta family.

I sound like a brat right now but you can't help it when your life is just great, not completely great but it better than having nothing.

It should be easy since we are in love and we could just get married raise the child together and live happily ever after, just the way I dreamt.

But sorry to burst your bubble this is real life there is nothing like happily ever after and I had to learn the hard way.

I can't have that as an end plan when my father is strict and believes in reputation, morals, and learning from every negligence you make.

He believes having a child before getting married is bad luck and an end to my life as an ethical lady.

And also a mother who believes in never settling for less or going for what you can never handle, my Mum a woman of the limelight every young woman role model, you don't expect her to look good for the spotlight when her daughter is pregnant without getting married.

Since my Dad and Mum had an arrange married my dad felt hostility toward it believing not every arrange married can end up great as theirs, and the more reason he hated the idea of getting married just because of a child.

Just by the way things ended up this one of the reasons my Dad ask me to leave his house.

Leaving me without an option.

The memories of today run through my mind, making my eyes cloud with unshared tears.

The earlier part of the day.

I sip from my coffee feeling anxious, the morning rays bright welcoming the refinement of the day to some people that is.

The noise of people chatting, flipping sounds of newspapers paired with the ringing sound of the doorbell welcoming people walking in, it always a busy day in the morning cafe with people rushing for coffee getting ready for an industrious day.

I take another gulp my coffee looking at the activities going around me trying to focus my mind running through the different scenarios like what will my parents say? Sylvia, will she be angry with me?, what am I thinking, of course, she will be hearing her baby sister having an unexpected baby.

What have I gotten myself into I can't bring myself to tell Chance, he will be furious because he always made sure I am always on the pharmaceuticals but just one mistake of mine is about to cost me my relationship.

I can't even think about what my Dad will do getting this information or my Mum, she will be heartbroken, her dreams and ambition for me gone down the drain.

The only person who can give me support right now is my best friend Emma, she is my childhood friend well more like a sister always getting in trouble and a scamp.

I love her but right now she is keeping me waiting here for almost 30 minutes now, she had a thing for always being late even when we were in high school.

But she is the best so I can't complain, the high pitch sound coming from the door snaps me out of my thought.

I look towards the door my one and only bestie, her long brown wavy hair left open, flawless skin but what can you expect when her Mum host famous fashion shows, she is glamorous both inward and out.

She smiles glancing my way, a smile which can get any guy on his knees, her boyfriend Damien Mario once a typical playboy is really lucky to have my girl.

She make her way towards me taking a seat in front of me studying my facial expression/" girl you are looking sick/" she says concern lacing her voice before calling for a female waiter ordering for a mocha overnight oatmeal smoothie.

/"Someone is in need of something sweet/" I tease her with a smirk after the waiter takes her orders.

/"whatever,/" she says rolling her eyes before staring at me with a serious look /"back to my question, you look sick because the last time I saw you like this was when Chance called you fat,/" she says laughing, oh don't remind me of that, it made me go on a diet for two weeks and it ended up with me on a hospital bed, I never want to go through that ever again but he later apologized saying it was just a joke nothing else.

/"and right now you are looking just like that, so tell me what going on/" she urges with a raised eyebrow.

The waiter came with her order placing it on the table with a sweet smile before leaving /"with frequent mood swing like mine, having morning sickness every now and then, finding out you are two weeks pregnant /" I pause dramatically thinking everything through /"so yeah, that will undoubtedly make you look sick/"

She laughs lightly before smirking /" you got me scared thinking you were really pregnant/" she says chuckling before taking a bite from her macho.

/"I also wish it was a joke but it's not,/" I say matters of fact.

Her eyes wide and mouth agape in shock not finding words to say make my anxiety come rushing back, I look everywhere but her feeling embarrassed /"I know this is bad but I really need your help/" I beseech still not finding the courage to meet her intense gaze.

She moved sitting close to me /"have you told your parent and Sylvia yet? /" she asks softly as her gaze locks with mine.

/"no, I can't do it, what if my mum and Sylvia feel disappointed or worst Dad disowns me, /" I say in panic, my breathing becoming heavy.

She places her hands on my shaking hands making me release my hands from hers biting my nails nervously a character I develop during pressure.

/"clam down Shiloh, take a deep breath, /" she says pulling my hand away from my mouth.

Taking slow deep breath calming my nerves /"Thanks /" I say with a smile.

She returns the smile /"so does Chance know about all this?/" she asks running her tub on the tip of the glass.

/"no,/" I say sipping from my coffee before putting the bill on the table and walking out towards my car with Emma trailing after me.

/"why?/" she says getting into the passenger's seat.

Moving the car out of the parking spot /"I don't know how he will react after constantly telling me to be on pills /" I say with a frown as her gaze burns the side of my face.

/"Shiloh you have to let your parents know you can't keep this from your family most importantly Chance,/" she says staring intensely before facing the window.

/"Okay,/" I say taking a turn towards Emma's house.

She gave me a look I know so well /"right now/" I ask alarmed.

/"yeah of course just drive me to my place and go straight to home /" she orders.

/"park at the front of the gate, /" she says going through her bag.

/"why? I should just take you inside /" I ask confused parking in front of her gate.

/"Don't worry I just want you to get this over with,/" she says stepping out of my car before closing it shut/" call me if you need any help /"

/"can't you come with me? /" I ask desperately pleading.

She smiles /"not happening,/" she says before entering through the gate.

I sigh loudly before driving off towards the house anxious for what to happen.