


The cool breeze of the night sending ebbs of cold into my body as I drag my luggage towards the bus stop since the bus stop wasn't far from my Dad's house, I pull my bags on the bench before sitting.

It's late at night meaning it will be long before seeing a bus. I pulled my phone from my bag before dialing Chance number.

He picks at two rings /" how are you doing love?/" he asks sounding tried which must be from his erratic work since he has to help his father run the company and all.

/"not okay, can you please pick me up by the bus stop ?/"I ask warily.

/"why? is something wrong? /"he inquire worried and highlighted.

/"I will tell you but not over the phone/" I shift uncomfortably placing my bags properly.

/"okay which bus stop?/"

/"The bus stop closer to my Dad's house/"

/"Okay, I will be there in 30 minutes /" I heard shuffling sound in the background before hanging up.

I look around me noticing streetlight shining brightly, sounds of crickets being the only noise around.

I waited for 30 minutes with people passing by and giving me weird looks before falling asleep feeling exhausted.

I felt someone tapping my shoulders, blinking my eyes twice to get me fully awake /" Shiloh wake-up/" Chance says shaking me lightly.

/"Am up. am up/" I say rubbing my eyes before lifting my lazy self from the bench.

/"Why is all this luggage with you?/" he asks helping me with some of my bags placing it in the booth of his car.

/"it's a long story, /" I say focusing my gaze on the floor before getting into the car with him entering the driver's seat /"I have all the time/" he glanced at me with raised eyebrow pulling towards the road.

/"can we get to your place first,/" I say trying to buy more time for myself.

He nods in reply focusing on the road, I use this time to study him, his face looks weary with light bags under his eye but handsome as always, a neat stubble, fine sharp noticeable jawline, his brown hair neatly combed backward with his well-fitted sweatpants and T-shirt.

I avert my gaze towards the moving trees and houses coming into view pushing back a few locks of my hair behind my ear /"Shiloh what going on ?/" he asks once again glancing at me before looking ahead.

I focus my gaze outside my eyes getting watery, I blink refusing to cry before returning my gaze to him /"things are a little complicated right now but it will be alright very soon/" I say more to myself than to him with a fake smile gracing my lip.

He didn't look convinced but let it go for now that is /"I just wish this was all a bad dream and someone will wake me up soon/" I utter silently to myself.

The drive was silent with my nerves running wide, we arrived at his place within 45 minutes.

The beautiful well-structured house, I have been here a couple of times for a visit since Emma, Damien Emma's boyfriend and Louis stay here with him, it more like a dorm to us. An elegant dorm.

He parked his car before stepping out /" Mason get the luggage inside/" he orders.

I followed him inside towards his office, my heart thundering in my chest.

He opens the door to his office with me trudging after him, he places himself on his seat while I stand in front of his desk my eyes focus on my beautiful middle size feet.

I never knew my leg was as small as this. These sandals look good on me... /"Shiloh /" Chance calls snapping me out of my silly thoughts.

I snap my eyes towards him and I wish I didn't, his eyes were icy and a scowl on his perfect face.

I normalize my breathing, exhaling shakily /"I am pregnant /" I say looking into his eyes intensely.

He jerks from he sits immediately /"what?/" he says pacing the room like he was analyzing the situation /"you can't be pregnant, I told you to always take the pills/" he snaps walking towards me.

I shudder backward from the wrath in his eyes but he pulled me harshly by the arm towards him /" you did this to hold me down right ?/" he snapped shaking me with every word.

I tried pulling his hands off 'keyword tried' but it was useless anyway /"you think you can get me to put a ring on your finger because you got pregnant /" he says maliciously. I avert my eyes to the floor has his word dwells on me making me speechless and stunned.

He releases me from his tight grip on my arm before walking towards his desk taking a sit /"you are aborting it/" he says calmly.

/"no I won't and please my child is not it,/" I say coldly with a frown /"this child might be my mistake but you took part in this. For crying out loud this your child too and how can you expect me to end the living being in me/" I say bitterly.

/"How can you think of something like this/"

He gazes focus on me not even a sign of emotion on his face /"what are your gaining in all this at least think of your parents and it's just a zygote stop exaggerating /" he says nonchalantly his eyes peering.

I blinked back the tears /" my Dad sent me out of his house /" I say reluctantly ignoring his last statement.

I avert my eyes to the ground /"what do you mean ?/" he asked sounding suspicious.

I bite my bottom lips running my hand through my hair /"my family disowned me/" I say before lick my dry lips /" I have nowhere else to go so I came here, so please don't ask me to abort this pregnancy /"

He took slow steps towards me /"I will let you stay here but don't expect me to care for you or this thing /" he says coldly fury in his eyes./" you have to choose between us or this because the moment you choose this child I will make your life a living hell you will wish for death/" he hisses before walking towards the door.

He glances back /"tomorrow I will be expecting an answer, /" he says leaving the room.

My gaze focus on the door, tremor, and confusion racing in my mind, I felt used and dumped.

I felt worthless, this can't conceivably be happening. Maybe he just shocked by the news I am sure he will be more relaxed by tomorrow, a knock on the door snapped me out of my thought /"yes/" my voice coming out shakily.

/"young master told me to direct you to your room/" a voice called out.

I put myself together before opening the door to find a young girl one of Chance maids.

I nod my head for her to lead the way, we walk toward the stairs leading to different bedrooms, mine was the last room by the left.

She left me to my thoughts, the weight of today's event weighing me down as tears run down my cheeks.

I felt alone and the worst part of it all was that the people I never thought will let me down were the ones who pushed me down letting me scramble to the dust.