Remy's Point of View
/"Syd, I'm going to see you next week!/" I told my cuddly friend. Sydney held onto me as the onlookers of the airport glanced at our hug only to then continue their path of catching their flight.
/"I know but I'll still miss ya. You became my closest friend during these pasts months./" She told me with a sad smile. I squeezed her hand in mine before hearing my name being called by someone.
/"I'll call you right after I land. No later./" I kissed the backside of her hand.
/"No later!/" She told me as she started to walk backward and I the opposite way.
I've been in the UK for the past 6 months and it was one of the best half-years I've had in my entire life. I made so many new friends, introduced to new cultures and food, as well as learning new stories to share with my mémère (Grandmother). I jogged up to Marcus who was waiting for me at the front of the gate.
/"Sorry. Syd was not trying to let go./" I told him as I thought of my blonde brit.
/"It's all good. Isn't she flying to you in a week or less?/" He questioned. I looked up at him and smiled. Nodding my head, he burst out into fits of laughter.
/"Oh, you girls are funny./" Excusez Moi?
/"I told you not to call me that!/" I whined as the taller man only ruffled my hair, disturbing the hard work I took into styling it this morning.
Scanning our tickets and walking down that scary and narrow passenger boarding bridge until we make it to our business class seats. Thankfully, Marcus is a marine who just got off his 3-year tour, so we both got free upgrades as I pretended to be his boyfriend!
/"I'm so ready to touch down on some US soil./" Marcus dramatically stated as he pushed back his seat and expanded his legroom. I mean this man was tall. At least 6'2 or 6'3... I stood at my maximum height of 5'5.
/"I just miss my grandmother. I felt like I left her alone for too long./" Although it was only 6 months ago she had dropped me off at the airport, she was more than happy to see me go off into the world and find /"love/"... or as the French people like to say, amour.
/"If she's like you, I'm sure she's tough./" He said resting his hand on mine. I flushed at the sudden touch. Marcus truly was dreamy, buzz cut, strong brown eyes, and luscious plump lips. We met at a bar after he finished his tour, he came to the UK for a break with some of his buddies and we clicked. I'm naturally friendly, and flirty.
The flight was long and tiring. 12 hours of straight torture for me but Marcus seemed to go through it pretty easily. He told me all about his stories of war, battle, and some rather disgusting things he endured while on his tour. Truthfully, I only paid attention to his face.
/"Oh, remember how you told me you needed work?/" I nodded. I'm a single, 21-year-old gap-year adult with no job. I'm in dire need of a job.
/"Well, I have a buddy down in Indy who needs a babysitter for his daughter. More like a house sitter as well./" He flipped his phone around and showed me the advertisement for the job. There were low requirements and the responsibilities list looked quite simple. Morning routines, breakfast, drop-off, and cleaning? For $125 an hour?
/"Wait. Is that correct? He's willing to pay $125 an hour for a babysitter/house-sitter?/" That's insane... right?
/"I mean he was the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps./" Marcus just shrugged his shoulders at it. I'm guessing that's either the top or one of the top ranks in the marines. But that's still insane. It's an offer I cannot refuse.
/"Can I send myself the link?/" I asked him and of course, he agreed. During the rest of the flight, I applied for the job, texted Sydney, and tried to message my grandmother who completely failed at texting back.
/"So your traveling days are over?/" Marcus looked over to me as the plane began its descend. He had his arm around my shoulders as I leaned into him.
The flight attendants walked by once more to collect the garbage, one of the elderly attendants shot me a smile as she noticed my cuddly position with Marcus. /"It looks like it. Money runs out you know?/" The last job I had was at a Starbucks before I decided to save up and explore the world.
/"Well, what if you didn't have to pay for it?/" Huh? Qu'est-ce qu'il a dit? (What the hell did he just say?)
/"What do you mean?/" I felt like I knew what he was talking about but then again, I didn't want to assume. He looked down at me with those puppy dog brown eyes and smiled. His lips parted once and just when he was about to speak, the Intercom goes off.
/"Ladies and Gentlemen, please turn all your devices on airplane mode or shut them off as we prepare to further descend into IND (Indianapolis International Airport). Take all garbage with you or politely ask a flight attendant to discard it. Thank you for choosing this airline./" The main flight attendant spoke.
Instead of finishing what he was saying, Marcus just shakes his head and faces the window again, his face becoming emotionless. She ruined it! Freaking flight attendant! For a second there I thought I finally found someone I can share these experiences with, but I was so wrong. Fuck me!
Taking my phone back out, I look at the pictures that Marcus's friend uploaded on the application for the babysitting/house-sitting job. I was no longer too upset. There stood a tall, god-like man holding a little girl who looked no older than about 7 years old. They're adorable. Well, he's hot but she's adorable. Out of the three pictures on his profile, I didn't see a woman, or his wife, or her mother. Did that mean I was going to hit on him? Of course not. Maybe not. I'll find out soon enough.
I didn't even realize how much time had passed as we already landed and everyone in the aircraft was pretty much rushing to get off. Marcus and I stood as the last 'couple' to get off the plane.
We stood in front of the entrance doors at the airport for some time, waiting for either one of us to leave first./"Give me a call sometime?/" He asked of me. I let go of my suitcase and pulled him in for a hug. His hand fell on my waist as he snuggled into me.
/"I'll call,/" I promised. He let go first and stepped past those doors and out of my life, for now.
I dialed my grandmothers' number as I waited for her to pick up the call. I watched as the other couples walked hand in hand inside and out of the airport. Was I jealous? Was I angry? Was I even happy for them? I don't even know myself. I just felt lonely? I wanted to hold someone. To hug someone. To kiss someone. To love someone.
Did I think I was going to find that with Mr. Ex-Marine Daddy? Maybe...