Remy's Point of View
/"We've been texting since my flight and she's so flirty,/" Sydney spoke all exactly as she looked forward and not directly into the camera. She was walking to work in Wolverhampton all while yelling at someone for bumping into her. I laughed as I added the bread into the toaster.
/"Really? I think she's really into you,/" She looked into the camera with a 'duh' face, /"I mean how do you feel? About her and the entire situation?/" I moved from the toaster to the bacon slices that were frying. The grease was popping everywhere but my grandmother taught me the best way to fry bacon. The secret to the meat and fat cooking evenly is for the bacon to start around the same temperature. Let your bacon sit at room temperature for fifteen minutes or so before you cook it. It will help the fat render more quickly, so it will be crispy and not burnt.