Remy's Point of View
Just like a regular morning, I'm making breakfast down in the kitchen all while Monty and Katherine were fast asleep. I whipped up some eggs in a bowl and added flour to the mixture.
Before pouring the creamy liquid into the Mickey Mouse waffle maker, I wiped my hands down on the little maid's apron I'm wearing and jogged upstairs. There laid Katherine in her pink bed.
/"Chérie, it's time to wake up. I need you up and ready in at least 30 minutes?/" Katherine surprises me every morning. The way she could easily bathe herself, do her hair, and put her uniform on in less than half an hour was AMAZING for a girl her age!
/"I-I can do it in half of that. Which is 15 right?/" She was so clever too. Gets that from her father. My lips curved into a smile and I nodded my head. In the middle of her yawn, she hugged my waist and ran to her bathroom. /"15 minutes then,/" I said before leaving her bedroom.