

Ruining the show

Ian's POV

My eyes darted around the room as I skirted past the round tables. Every single person in this room was famous. Except me, obviously. Destroying Heraro's chance of taking this show by storm was surely the top of my bucket list. I knew it was weird for an immortal to have one.

We advanced to door at the far right. Two huge men stood before the door and they wore black suits. They kept their faces as firm as they could.

As we closed in, one stretched out a hand to us. /"Here's out of bounds./"

/"We know, but we work for Heraro fashion,/" Zara said.

I widened my eyes at her. How did she think they'll believe her? Everyone knew her as the CEO of my company. Sometimes I felt like hitting Zara in the head. She hardly acted smart in situations like this.

Albazar exhaled over the phone. /"Nice one Zara./"