

Pup No. 518919

Eris looked at me with sad eyes and a small bitter smile, /"He never did love me. Kratos only got his eyes on you since the day we met,/" she said, and I snorted at her.

/"Bold of you to think that I would believe you./"

/"Then why are you still here?/" She said, and for seconds, we stared at each other in silence. For some reason unbeknownst to myself, she was right; I can't see myself out the door. As if I've waited for this exact day to come and hear her words.

I sat back down on the chair, my eyes not leaving her, /"He chose you over me. You wouldn't have given him a pup if he didn't./"

/"If he wasn't an alpha, that pup would've been yours. He didn't have much of a choice, Dione,/" she said, and she looked so sad that I...

...I believe her.

I shook my head to keep insane thoughts away. I frowned at her, /"I don't have time for your confusing words, Eris. I swear to everything that's holy—/"