


The seven days are already over and Sky is free to roam around the kingdom again, the council didn't fuss when they saw Sky's wound. But something seems to be off, she knows that Sky should be happy and hanging around the garden, but instead Sky started looking gloomy and in deep thoughts, She looks Reluctant and even Shahara have noticed it. Sure Lena and her spend a lot of their time with her now but around them she seems to be uncomfortable and shy. She wasn't like her usual self.

Today they were on the throne room, just the three of them. Lena was letting Sky look at the thing around the throne room, and genuine curiosity filled Sky's eyes. Lena pretended to be busy while Catherine watched at how Sky would gently touch the things around the room and the way her head would tilt whenever she look at a portrait. She loves to see how Sky's eyes sparkled whenever something beautiful would caught her attention.