

I smiled to myself in happiness, as I hurried across the road and towards the gas station. I had a strange feeling about this place, but I just shook it off and blamed the queasiness in my belly on hunger.

As I opened the door to the gas station, the bell ran alerting the cashier of my entrance. I walked over to the cashier. Behind the counter was a man, probably in his late 50's. He had a warm smile on his face as I approach.

/"Do you have a phone I can use?/" I asked politely.

/"You look like you have been to hell and back/" he said eyeing my appearance.

/"Something like that/" I muttered.

/"Here/" he handed me a cellphone.

I dialed my best friend’s number and it went straight to voicemail so I tried again. This time it rang. Come on Avery, pick up the phone. No one answered. She was probably hangover, sleeping or just ignoring the call because it's an unknown number.