

/"I'll be out in a minute/" I called back, not wanting to anger who was on the other side of the door.

I searched for a spare toothbrush and when I found a few, I used one and did my business. I stepped out timidly, holding my head down in fear.

/"I'm not going to hurt you/" Enzo said walking towards me.

Just as he reached out to touch me, I flinched back.

I glanced at his face and saw him frowning, with what seem to be worry in his eyes. After the way in which Emilio had treated me last night, I was now afraid of doing the wrong thing and possibly getting punished.

/"You must be hungry/" he said, the same time my belly rumbled in agreement.

I felt embarrassed, but he only laughed it off and told me to follow him. I felt a little at ease in his presence, but I'm not stupid to let my guard down. He had this easy going vibe about him that made it impossible not to like him.